Popular Items
P1. Rare Steak Pho Choice of small, medium or large.
P11. Chicken Pho Choice of small, medium or large.
P14. Vegetarian and Tofu with Vegetable Broth Pho Choice of small, medium or large.
P1. Rare Steak Pho Choice of small, medium or large.
P2. Rare Steak and Meatballs Pho Choice of small, medium or large.
P3. Rare Steak and Brisket Pho Choice of small, medium or large.
P5. Rare Steak and Tendon Pho Choice of small, medium or large.
P6. Rare Steak and Tripe Pho Choice of small, medium or large.
P7. Brisket and Flank Pho Choice of small, medium or large.
P8. Brisket Only Pho Choice of small, medium or large.
P9. Combination Beef Pho Choice of small, medium or large.
P10. Meatballs Only Pho Choice of small, medium or large.
P11. Chicken Pho Choice of small, medium or large.
P12. Shrimp Pho Choice of small, medium or large.
P13. Seafood Pho Choice of small, medium or large.
P14. Vegetarian and Tofu with Vegetable Broth Pho Choice of small, medium or large.